Substance use disorder does not discriminate. It affects people of all walks of life. The good news is: there is help and hope for addiction and everyone has the opportunity to heal. But the road to recovery is filled with another major obstacle called “stigma.”
“Studies show that when we shame and blame a person with addiction, it discourages that person from accepting their disease and asking for help.”
Will you help us achieve our mission?
To inspire hope and healing by increasing our community’s understanding of addiction.
To reduce the stigma that discourages people from seeking help.
To encourage honest dialogues about substance abuse disorders by giving our community the words to start the conversation.
I need someone to encourage me to get help.
Help us turn stigmatization into victory.
What is stigma of addiction?
Addiction is a disease; stigma is a social symptom.
Substance use disorder is not the mark of a lesser human being. But stigmatization tells us to look down on a person with addiction. It also tells them to think less of themselves.
FACT: Addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain function and behavior. Left untreated, substance use disorder is chronic, progressive and deadly. Shaming, blaming and rejection are symptoms of misunderstanding this medical disorder.
Stigma is both spoken and unspoken
Another common stigma-charged idea is that people who develop addictions are weak and therefore deserve the trouble they get into. This belief is unspoken but powerful. Thinking like this not only perpetuates the problem, it also releases people from the responsibility of becoming part of the solution.
To the addicted person, this type of stigmatization feels like rejection, whether it comes from a friend, family member, institution, or society as a whole.
What does stigma look, sound and feel like?
Personal Stigma
“I have no patience for substance abuse. Why can’t these people just stop?”
Social Stigma
“I’m embarrassed to talk about her drinking with friends and family.”
Institutional Stigma
“Our company will not hire a former heroin addict.”
Who is affected by stigma? Everyone.
The economic cost from drugs and alcohol (direct and indirect) is $578 billion. Despite the cost to society, some people feel that any investment in rehabilitation programs is wasted. They see treatment programs as an unnecessary burden to our economy. They need to hear and understand the facts.
FACT: If everyone struggling with addiction received the treatment they needed, the US economy would save $368 billion in costs attributed to addiction-related healthcare, crime and social services.
Furthermore, a qualitative study with addicted persons points to the direct effects of public stigmatization on their behavior. In some cases, a pattern of alcohol consumption and drug use is directly motivated by the need to forget, erase, or avoid the shame of addiction itself.
How stigma gets in the way of recovery
Reject the pain of shaming and discover the power of sharing
PROBLEM: Several studies identify stigma as a significant barrier to accessing health care and recovery treatments.
SOLUTION: Studies also show that an honest and compassionate approach to substance use disorders inspires hope, recovery and healing for those who suffer.
Stigma causes alienation that perpetuates the addiction itself
Stigma becomes a significant barrier for accessing health care and treatment services
Some health care providers may add to the negativity, feeling that people with substance misuse issues are overusing system resources
Stigma creates guilt and shame that prevents teens and families from seeking professional help
Stigma negatively affects career opportunities, re-entering the workforce, getting a new apartment, and starting a new life
Stigma can arise when a person in recovery discusses their rehabilitation in public to friends and family who are not accepting of the disease
To learn more, check out our substance misuse prevention and resource guide. See link below.
Community Alliance Resource Guide
Download a copy of our local resource guide for more information on substance misuse, addiction, in addition to stories from neighbors and local professionals about the realities of caring for those struggling with substance use disorder.
Limited copies are available for free through the Greendale Health Department (414-423-2110) and the Hales Corners Health Department (414-529-6155).
What should you say to someone you love who is struggling with addiction?
People in recovery gave us these suggestions:
Personal Stigma
When I was struggling, what I needed was, “someone to listen without judging me.”
Social Stigma
When I was struggling, what I needed was, “someone to tell me how much I was hurting myself and loved ones…and to set firm boundaries regarding my behavior.”
Institutional Stigma
When I was struggling, what I needed was, “someone to guide me on how to get help- and encourage me to get help.”
Turn a victim into victory
Turn a victim into a victory
Let’s change the way we think and talk about substance abuse disorders by learning more about the disease. Then, we will intuitively know what to say and do when an employee, friend or family member needs help. We will know how to encourage people to seek recovery, instead of discouraging healing. We will become part of the solution instead of perpetuating the problem.
What else can you do?
Feel free to email or write a letter with your thoughts to our staff. Share your experience with stigma related to substance abuse disorder. We’d love to learn from you. Or join us at one of our community learning and sharing events.
Rise Above events
Our initiative is designed to educate our community through events and services. We are here to help all of our community to recognize stigma and transform victimization into victory. We hope you’ll keep your minds and hearts open as you learn more about ways to reduce stigma.
We can offer your business, church or organization a “Rise Above the Stigma” lunch & learn event. Contact us to learn more.
Volunteer Spotlight: An Unlikely Addict
Kristin Labott
Learn more about Kristin’s story and order a copy of her book “An Unlikely Addict” at
“I am a nurse and I live in Hales Corners. In 2005, I lost almost everything to my addiction to drugs and alcohol. I spent 4 months jailed at the House of Correction in Franklin. None of my family, friends, or coworkers knew that I was using drugs, not until I was fired from my job and arrested that is. I have been clean and sober since that time and have worked hard to regain what I lost. I have learned there are countless others who are suffering. With so much shame and stigma surrounding addiction, people are often unable to reach out for help. The knowledge that they will be ostracized compels them to stay silent and to do everything they can to hide the truth. Fear of losing their family, friends, and job is overwhelming. If we could do one thing for those suffering from addiction, it would be to decrease the shame and stigma associated with addiction so that people can ask for the help they so desperately need. I couldn’t ask for help, I couldn’t stop using, and as a result my world fell apart. I don’t want that to happen to anyone else, but it does happen to people every day.
I share my story so that others will know that they are not alone and that there is hope. I do all I can to help others suffering from addiction find the help they need. I work on my recovery every day and have a beautiful, meaningful life. I appreciate life now. I especially enjoy spending time with my family and friends while kayaking, travelling, and discovering new adventures. Those things are only available to me because of my recovery. I have regained all I lost and so much more. Life is worth living.”