The Problem: Text


PROBLEM: Several studies identify stigma as a significant barrier to accessing health care and recovery treatments.

SOLUTION: Studies also show that an honest and compassionate approach to substance abuse disorders inspires hope, recovery and healing for those who suffer.

How stigma gets in the way of recovery

Stigma causes alienation that perpetuates the addiction itself

Stigma becomes a significant barrier for accessing health care and treatment services

Some health care providers may add to the negativity, feeling that people with substance abuse issues are overusing system resources

Stigma creates guilt and shame that prevents teens and families from seeking professional help

Stigma negatively affects career opportunities, re-entering the workforce, getting a new apartment, and starting a new life

Stigma can arise when a person in recovery discusses their rehabilitation in public to friends and family who are not accepting of the disease

To learn more, check out our substance abuse resource guide. See link below.