Turn a victim into victory


Turn a victim into a victory

Let’s change the way we think and talk about substance abuse disorders by learning more about the disease. Then, we will intuitively know what to say and do when an employee, friend or family member needs help. We will know how to encourage people to seek recovery, instead of discouraging healing. We will become part of the solution instead of perpetuating the problem.

What else can you do?

Feel free to email or write a letter with your thoughts to our staff. Share your experience with stigma related to substance abuse disorder. We’d love to learn from you. Or join us at one of our community learning and sharing events.

Rise Above events

Our initiative is designed to educate our community through events and services. We are here to help all of our community to recognize stigma and transform victimization into victory. We hope you’ll keep your minds and hearts open as you learn more about ways to reduce stigma.

We can offer your business, church or organization a “Rise Above the Stigma” lunch & learn event. Contact us to learn more.